About our Osteopaths in Harlow
Our Harlow osteopaths are highly trained Allied Health Professionals who are well known for their expertise in the evaluation, diagnosis and management of the entire musculoskeletal system and its relationship with other systems in the body.
You can expect your osteopath to take the time to understand your individual history, circumstances and unique physiology and provide a package of care that is tailored to your needs. This can include manual therapy, rehabilitation exercises, screening and general health advice.
Osteopathic treatment often involves manual therapy – a range of gentle hands-on techniques that focus on releasing tension, stretching muscles and improving mobility – together with exercises and helpful advice designed to help you relieve or manage your pain, keep active and maintain the best of health. Before our osteopath starts any treatment, they will explain what is involved so you can agree and consent to your course of treatment.

Hand, Elbow and Arm Pain
Pain in these areas can often be relieved by manual treatment. This can include various forms of soft tissue massage, stretching, joint mobilisations and manipulations.